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Due to the fact that the author of this work wanted to discover potentially differences in the answers to the guiding research question with regard to different social environments, in this case featured by age and gender, interviewees attributes were pre determined, drawing on Flicks methodology of thematic coding 2002, pp. 271. This allowed a comparing analysis of the gathered data, potentially enriching the resulting theory. Accompanying the collection of data the analysis took place as shown in figure 5. In compliance with Charmaz 2006 reasoning, key points described within the interviews were marked with codes, allowing the key aspects to be captured in comparison to other gathered data. The generated codes were thereafter grouped into similar concepts, looking for relations and dependencies, building the foundation for the formation of categories and sub categories, which, together with the generated memos, provided the basis for the creation of the resulting theory, after reaching theoretical saturation.

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All of Italy rejoiced at Ferrari's first driving title since John Surtees in 1964. I had this Tamiya 1/12 scale model in my to do pile for quite some time and considering that 2007 was Ferraris 60th anniversary year there could be no better time to start work. By Jose I. Hernandez Diez My enthusiasm for the F1 led me, since very young, to build my own kits but in 1/43 scale. As soon as the Japanese brand Model Factory Hiro introduced in the market the Ferrari F10, I decided to build it. I had a great deal of respect for it, since it was more complex than the kits I used to build. Painting, is the 90% of work here, and any mistake would damage my job. From the different versions available: Turkey, German, Japan, Australia and Korea, I chose this last one: ref K 277. By Martin Klein After searching for reference pictures I decided to build the Monaco version. Being a Lauda fan since his early days in F1 this race was one of his few highlights that season qualifying on the second row. Unfortunately he retired after a race accident with D.
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