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However, the Geniuses are not very social and have only 1 friend they can learn from. The Butterflies have 10 friends, making them 10 times more social. Now, everyone in both populations tries to obtain an invention, both by figuring it out for themselves and by learning from friends. Suppose learning from friends is difficult: if a friend has it, a learner only learns it half the time. After everyone has done their own individual learning and tried to learn from their friends, do you think the innovation will be more common among the Geniuses or the Butterflies?Well, among the Geniuses a bit fewer than 1 out of 5 individuals 18% will end up with the invention. Half of those Geniuses will have figured it out all by themselves.

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They were liberals, not socialists; initially, they hoped to establish an alliance with Jewish socialists. Vinaver declared: we applaud the Bund the vanguard of the revolutionary movement. Yet the socialists stubbornly rejected all gestures of rapprochement. The rallying of Jewish parties in Petrograd had indirectly indicated that by the time of revolution the Jewish population there was already substantial and energetic. Surprisingly, despite the fact that almost no Jewish proletariat existed in Petrograd, the Bund was very successful there. It was extraordinarily active in Petrograd, arranging a number of meetings of local organization in the lawyers club and then on April 1 in the Tenishevs school; there was a meeting with a concert in the Mikhailovsky Theatre; then on April 14 19 the All Russian Conference of the Bund took place, at which a demand to establish a national and cultural Jewish autonomy in Russia was brought forward again. After conclusion of speeches, all the conference participants had sung the Bunds anthem Oath, The Internationale, and La Marseillaise. And, as in past, Bund had to balance its national and revolutionary platforms: in 1903 it struggled for the independence from the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, and yet in 1905 it rushed headlong into the All Russian revolution. Likewise, now, in 1917, the Bunds representatives occupied prominent positions in the Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies and later among the Social Democrats of Kiev. By the end of 1917 the Bund had nearly 400 sections countrywide, totaling around 40,000 members. Developments in Poale Zion were no less amazing.
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But as facultymembers at the University of Washington an institution we have neverregarded as "designer label", we feel called upon to respond beforequixotic ideas harden into disastrous policies. Founded as a vital public center for the exchange of ideas, theUniversity of Washington has survived periodic economic challenges toachieve its standing as an internationally renowned teaching and researchinstitution, on a par with private universities costing more than fivetimes as much. The University's national reputation is crucial not onlybecause UW is the Northwest's principal institution of higher learning,but also because the undergraduate and graduate students who availthemselves of its distinguished faculty and resources are themselves majorcontributors to our teaching and scholarly community. Declining rankings reduce our ability to recruit and produce thefinest scholars and educators in our state and, indeed, the world. Is itpossible that a state that can afford to build world class sports arenaswould turn its back on the world class university that has served it forso long and with such distinction?In the last 20 years Seattle has become a major U. S. Although Frometa was charged, convicted and sentenced to almost four years in jail, law enforcement agencies rarely investigated allegations involving exile militants, and if they did, prosecutors rarely pursued charges. But the Cubans had their own agents on the ground in Florida. An intelligence network known as La Red Avispa was dispatched in the early 1990s to infiltrate militant exile groups. It had some successes. Agents thwarted a 1994 plan to set off bombs at the iconic Tropicana nightclub, a tourist hot spot in Havana.