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He was absolutely confident that if that happens there would be mass executions of Jews. Therefore, the filthy scum must be crushed even before it had any chance to develop, in embryo. Their very seed must be destroyed. Jews will be able to defend their freedom. Crushed in embryo. And even their very seed. It was already pretty much the Bolshevik program, though expressed in the words of Old Testament. Yet whose seed must be destroyed?Monarchists?But they were already breathless; all their activists could be counted on fingers. So it could only be those who had taken a stand against the unbridled, running wild soviets, against all kinds of committees and mad crowds; those, who wished to halt the breakdown of life in the country prudent ordinary people, former government officials, and first of all officers and very soon the soldier general Kornilov. There were Jews among those counter revolutionaries, but overall that movement was the Russian national one. What about press?In 1917, the influence of print media grew; the number of periodicals and associated journalists and staff was rising.
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