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Article 99. Citizen action shall be exercised individually or representing the community when a right is infringed and when it is threatened; it shall be submitted to a competent authority, in accordance with the law. The exercise of this action shall not prevent other actions guaranteed by the Constitution and the law. Article 100. At all levels of government, entities of participation shall be set up, comprised of elected authorities, representatives of the dependent regime, and representatives of the society of the territorial sphere of each level of government, which shall be governed by democratic principles. Participation in these entities is aimed at:1. Drafting national, local and sector plans and policies between governments and the citizenry. 2. Improving the quality of public investment and drafting development agendas. 3. Drawing up participatory budgets of governments.

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Following trials it was decided that an increase in the water capacity was desirable. In February 1903 no. 334 was fitted with the new boiler and at the same time the side tanks widened by four inches, increasing the water capacity from 1000 to 1140 gallons. Down to January 1904 a further ten locos some sources erroneously suggest nine had their tanks widened thus, and all except no. 379 were from the earliest batches, originally built without condensing apparatus. When rebuilt these locos retained the square topped shape to their side tanks and the original narrow condensing chambers on top. No. 379 of Order F36 had side sheets which extended upwards with an integral condensing chamber, and when rebuilt the chambers were also widened to the full width of the tanks. From the original R24 series of 1890, no. 335 was one of the 1903 rebuilds with 4 tank extensions and the new four column Ramsbottom safety valves still on the firebox. The condensing chambers are the ones it was fitted with in 1893 and are in the same position, so now lie inboard of the tank edge.
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Keep all confidential information on your staff, volunteers and constituents under lock and key in a secure location. We would recommend that those handling this confidential information, sign a confidentiality agreement. However, as with all of our recommendations, the information is intended to assist you in establishing policy for your organization. We distribute information with the understanding that it does not constitute legal advice. Organizations are strongly encouraged to seek their own legal counsel as well as counsel from your insurance company when establishing a policy. To sum it upestablish policy, seek your own legal and insurance advice. Absolutely keep all personal information under lock and key!Build a file on each individual that will be able to demonstrate, if necessary in a court of law that you exceeded your obligation of what an average person would do to provide reasonable care. 10h Q: If someone was accused 20 years ago but never convicted or found guilty of a violent crime and then changed for the better, why do you recommend that they not be able to serve vulnerable sector individuals?A: We are pleased that your candidate has disclosed this information to you prior to doing the criminal record check, as it demonstrates integrity on their behalf. You will want to confirm what their convictions were, and the type of offense. If a criminal record check comes back not clear, you do not receive details of the conviction, only a "CLEAR" or "NOT CLEAR", or a notation that "THERE MAY OR MAY NOT BE A CONVICTION ON THEIR RECORD AND IT MUST BE VERIFIED BY FINGERPRINTING". To confirm that this individual does indeed have a criminal record, it will be suggested that the person be fingerprinted.
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As was a highlight of the college, and most definitely a focus of our attention during Remote Learning was to support students in accessing their learning. Student support, Wellbeing, ICT, Home Group and staff teams all worked closely with students to ensure success during online learning. The transition back into the school setting and the physical classroom face to face with teachers also requires our attention and support for students to successfully adjust. This is a focus of the college and we ask that if there is anything students or families need from us to ensure this transition is as successful as it can be please let us know. The series of annual surveys from the Department of Education and Training are scheduled for completion this Term. Shortly you will receive information about the Attitude to School Survey for students and Parent Opinion Survey for parents.