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I have been overweight up until 1 1/2 years ago. My weight was fine until age 20 when I moved out on my own and starting eating unhealthy. I was not much into exercise and as the years passed my weight continued to climb. I was 50 lbs overweight not obese "enough" to qualify for bariatric surgery. Then after a few checkups I managed to attain Type 2 Diabetes. Living in denial I did go to the pharamacy and pick up the prescription but instead of taking the meds I opted to join my co workers in working out.
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Before, the Jewish business class derived enormous benefit from the helplessness, wastefulness, and impracticality of landowners, but now the landowner had to do everything himself. Also, the peasant became less pliant and timid; now he often establishes contacts with wholesale traders himself and he drinks less; and this naturally has a harmful effect on the trade in spirits, which an enormous number of Jews lives on. The author concludes with the wish that the Jews, as happened in Europe, would side with the productive classes and would not become redundant in the national economy. Now Jews had begun renting and purchasing land. The Novorossiysk Governor General 1869 requested in a staff report to forbid Jews in his region to buy land as was already prohibited in nine western provinces. Then in 1872 there was a memorandum by the Governor General of the Southwestern Krai stating that Jews rent land not for agricultural occupations but only for industrial aims; they hand over the rented land to peasants, not for money but for a certain amount of work, which exceeds the value of the usual rent on that land, and thereby they establish a sort of their own form of servitude. And though they undoubtedly reinvigorate the countryside with their capital and commerce, the Governor General considered concentration of manufacture and agriculture in the same hands un conducive, since only under free competition can peasant farms and businesses avoid the burdensome subordination of their work and land to Jewish capital, which is tantamount to their inevitable and impending material and moral perdition. However, thinking to limit the renting of land to Jews in his Krai, he proposed to give the Jews an opportunity to settle in all of the Greater Russian provinces. The memorandum was put forward to the just created Commission for Arranging the Jewish Way of Life the eighth of the Jewish Commissions, according to count, which was then highly sympathetic to the situation of the Jews. It received a negative review which was later confirmed by the government: to forbid the Jewish rent of land would be a complete violation of rights of landowners. Moreover, the interests of the major Jewish renter merge completely with those of other landowners.
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So check your page font and then change the ad with that accordingly. This also helps your ad look more as a part of the page. Set the font size according to the rest of the text on the page: Same goes with the font size. If you have bigger font on the page then the click through ratio for the ad will be very low because it would look very awkward, so be sure to set that accordingly. Increase the font size of the ad to make it a little more prominent: I tried this out and it really worked well. Basically, you just need to keep the font size for the ad a little bigger than the rest of the font on your page. Just like H1 and H2 headings get more attention on a page. The same will be for the ads, as the first step is to get the attention of the visitor. Just dont set it to large. Give the ad title the same color as other headings/links on the page: When a visitor comes to your page, he recognizes the color of headings and links on the page. There are many people who might not just recognize the links in the ad at first so you should always keep the link of the title in the ad settings to be the same as other links on the page.