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S. 1, 91 S. Ct. 1267, 28 L. Ed. 2d 554 1971, the Supreme Court established that federal courts could require school districts to implement busing programs as a means of achieving racial INTEGRATION of public schools.

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There are well established features of Chaga and cancer. Laboratory and animal studies show that compounds in Chaga can selectively kill cancer cells. It also stimulates the immune system. In certain cases, it also can fight inflammation and fatique and increse mental sharpness. However, since every patient is different, clinical trials are needed to confirm Chaga mushrooms safety because it may interract with some drugs. One of the strongest Chaga mushroom cancer claims is that it can help fight cancer and other related symptoms. One of the best studies according to this topic was a South Korean study from 2010 by Mi Ja Chung and colleagues. They researched the size of the tumors in mice from three different groups control and two with different amounts of Chaga extract in the food. The mice in the test group showed significant decreases in tumor size over the control. This study, Cancer Cell Cytotoxicity of Extracts and Small Phenolic Compounds from Chaga was made by Yuki Nakajima and colleagues in 2009, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. The results were quite similar to the South Korean study.
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I replaced the magazine with a Wilson ETM. It does tend to not go all the way into battery when it is very dirty. I don't really consider this a failure of the gun but a failure of my maintenance practices. When I bought it I was prepared to deal with malfs during the normal 200 to 300 round 1911 break in period. Other than the cheap factory mag issue there was no break in period. It just works. It handles 230gr hardball or 185gr JHPs. No fuss. I ran some Hornady Critical Defense through it yesterday and it likes that too. It came from the factory shooting about 4 inches low at 25 yards. I had a local gunsmith drift out the old rear site and install a taller one.