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Pagedales reliance on penalties from minor ordinance related offenses violates the constitutional due process rights of the defendants and the prohibition against excessive fines, the complaint alleges. In Utah, it was pressure from the state supreme court that led to a complete makeover of the municipal courts in 2008, six years before the events in Ferguson made it a national issue. City courts are called justice courts in Utah. At the time, the method of appointing and retaining judges was similar to Arizonas. Rick Schwermer, state court administrator in Utah, said that since his appointment as the states first justice courts administrator in 1990, municipal judges had complained to him that they were under too much pressure from city councils to raise money. We saw examples of a lack of judicial independence, Schwermer said. First a mayor would refuse to reappoint a justice court judge, and it just sort of seemed like there were revenue issues. The judge would say I got called in because I didnt make budget. These all point to judicial independence, but specifically that started us to a point toward we need to disentangle the judge from the money. As in Ferguson, the pressure to raise revenue was subtle, Schwermer said. No judge was told outright to convict more people to generate more revenue.