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We learn, furthermore,that Bezaleel was a skilled goldsmith and Master Craftsman who was placed in overall charge of building the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. In detailing how Bezaleel should manufacture various crowns,rings, bowls and a candlestick all of pure gold the Bible text adds to the list something called the'shewbread' of the Covenant and,without further explanation, the deed is seen to be done. Although the word 'covenant' has come to be identified with contractual agreements, it originally meant 'to eat bread with',and it is pertinent to note that the Christian Lord's Prayerwhich was itself transposed from an Egyptian equivalent specifies,'Give us this day our daily bread'. This is often taken to relate to sustenance in general terms,but in the original tradition the reference was more specifically directed to the enigmatic shewbread the golden bread of Bezaleel. 'And thou shalt take fine ,and bake twelve cakes thereof . And thou shalt put pure frankincense upon each row'.

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org/wiki/EUREKA Prometheus ProjectAs AllCarTech reports, GMs new portable vehicle to vehicle communication system, currently in development, is testing the technology in two familiar platforms, a transporter the size of a typical GPS unit, and a smartphone app. The system relies on established Intelligent Transport System ITS technology such as Dedicated Short Range Communication DSRC, which allows for wireless communication between vehicles, cyclists, police officers, construction sites, and pedestrians within a quarter mile range. GMs vehicle to vehicle communication systemThe benefit of this portable system is that it allows drivers to see not only whats right in front of them, but also about a semi truck thats stalled a quarter mile ahead, hard braking drivers, slippery roads, upcoming intersections, stop signs and other as yet unseen hazards. In addition, DSRC equipped smartphones, carried by cyclists or pedestrians, could alert drivers to their presence ahead. The automaker says it is working on embedding these communications systems into new vehicles, but it is also looking at ways to retrofit the technology into vehicles that are already on the road. GMs vehicle to vehicle communication systemAccording to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, vehicle to vehicle communication systems could help avert nearly 81 percent of crashes in the United States.
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Without human assisance it would have gone the way of the Dodo long ago. Old fashioned eugenics?This just reminds me of forced sterilization of the disabled, euthanasia, and ultimately nazism apologies to M. Godwin. VMfrom LA: the pattern of 3 sides inside the fruit is a sign that bananas are monocot plants. Youre right that few other tree fruits have this pattern, because trees are dicot plants, and banana plants, though tall, arent true trees. @Virgil:GMOseugenics on steroidswhich have so far proven to be a far less predictable and far more destructive trial and error science?Genetic Modified Foods have so far had no significant destructive effect. It is very much in the early stages so yea its trial and error, but whats bad with that?True, but at least good ol fashioned eugenics didnt have nasty side effects. Or built in carcinogensYou seriously mean that the holocaust didnt have any nasty side effects?How could killing off a sizable percentage of the top intellectuals of the world NOT have nasty side effects?As for carcinogens, you need to stop listening to the propaganda from the anti GM fundamentalists. Creating a carcinogen from scratch via genetic engineering is extremely hard/unlikely. Creating cancer in the species you are hacking around with, however, is quite easy. But as you shouldve learnt from school cancer is not a communicative disease and if a GE introduces cancer in a plant hed just destroy that plant and start over anyway.
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By the way, I'm taking strontium citrate, and I take it at night. It's just easier. I like lots of milk products in the morning!dutch1952,Strontium Renalate "works" by helping bone cells grow AND by preventing bone cells from breaking down. We've just been reading a lot about how preventing the breakdown of old bone cells makes bones brittle, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the long term with Strontium Renalate. Strontium citrate, a natural product and no prescription required, adds strontium in place of calcium to the bone matrix. Most of the data showing its value is rather old, but perhaps some new studies will be done now that biophosphonates are proving to be so nasty. Hi PanamaplantsI had read somewhere that one must take calcium if one also takes strontium. I think the article said when taking strontium without calcium the bone not growing evenly and one could end up with bony growths where you don't want them. I think the study was done on animals, but not sure and don't have time to find the article now. You might want to do some research if you plan to take only strontium and no calcium. Good luck.
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Women who have PCOS from the onset of tend to have difficulty losing weight normally. Given that the moment I hit I had to struggle to keep my weight at the high end of normal with hours of exercise daily, a healthy diet, no sodas, juice or other sugary drinks I finally had enough!I have dropped in 6 weeks what it took me almost a year to drop with 1100 calories a day and 2 hours daily in the gym. It is a great tool and though I have had a couple of complications, they haven't been horrible and certainly something I am glad I did. Do keep in mind though that this really is nothing more than a tool to help us achieve a healthier body. Good luck on your journey!As much as we like to think we have no choice it really is calories in and calories out. If I took you and threw you in a locked room and fed you bread and water for a month, you'd definitely lose weight. A lot of it. travler04, you cannot change the laws of physics no matter how many times you want to say it is genetic. you are overweight because you eat more than you burn. PCOS does come with a lot of issues, but the bottom line is that you are not controlling something. Probably food intake.