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For although everyone is familiar with the dangers of setting off fireworks that can damage one's eyes and limbs, few knew that firecrackers, which are much closer to your ears and produce a sound that is at 140 decibels, can cause instant, permanent hearing loss. The message was simple: Noise that is too loud too close too long equals damage. The news media have welcomed the WISE EARS!Experts at NIDCD and leaders from our coalition have had many outlets to speak to a wide audience. "dB Owl", our trademarked mascot, has appeared on the pages of magazines and newspapers in 50 states and territories. With a proliferation of noise including headphones, amplification systems and power tools, our daily exposure to noise may be far greater today than at anytime in human history and the greatest increase has occurred in just one generation. About 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise every day, and 10 million Americans already have hearing loss from noise.

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financial support should be listed in the section Acknowledgements financial disclosure. Editors retain the right to request information about the contributions of each person in writing the article. Authors should also be aware that the following phenomena are the examples of scientific misconduct and must be avoided:Ghostwriting a substantial contribution to publication has been made, without revealing authors participation, or without being mentioned in the acknowledgments enclosed in the paper. Guest authorship honorary authorship the author's contribution is insignificant, despite declaration. A group of co authors should jointly make the decision about the order in which their names are given. During manuscript submission, the submitting author must provide contact information full name, email address, institutional affiliation and mailing address for all of the co authors.
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Article 180. The members shall meet the following requirements:1. Be an Ecuadorian national and in possession of political rights. 2. Hold a university degree in law, legally recognized in the country and in the academic sectors related to the Councils inherent duties and legally accredited. 3. Submit content to their web site. You could write articles for their web site and include your resource box and link at the end of the article. If they publish it, you'll indirectly be at the top of the search engines. 4. Write an excellent article review of their web site, products or services.
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The page labelled C on the chart is the Mails World Cup hub page, which is the one the publisher would want to rank for consistently. The chart below shows how the Mails Google rankings for World Cup fluctuated over the four month period. This landing page didnt manage to rank above page four on Google in the run up to the World Cup which, as we know, is essentially nowhere. Whats happening here is that Google is seeing lots of pages from Mail Online for this search term, and is unsure of which one should be ranked the highest. Essentially, every new piece of content published on the World Cup is cannibalising the search ranking of other pages, and the hub page in particular. Mail Online is compounding the issue by failing to give any signal to Google to tell it which page it wants to rank for the search term in question. Mail Online could have linked back to the hub page from every article it wrote on the World Cup, which would have indicated to Google that this page was significant. The upshot is that, though it had a useful World Cup hub page, it just didnt manage to rank highly enough in the run up to the tournament. It is, of course, a very competitive term, but it wouldnt be hard for a publisher with the resources of Mail Online to rank for this, given the right strategy. What our intelligence shows is that The Daily Mail got the strategy right by publishing a landing page for the World Cup early in the year, but got the tactics wrong by not giving that page and a subsequent canonical one enough internal links and strength. Daily tracking shows that the landing page was usurped by individual articles which, due to the Daily Mails inherent strength, gained many external links as soon as they were published.
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Carbon Limited Capitalism CLC is my term for the regulation and carbon emission taxing of capitalism to significantly, if not entirely, eliminate its reliance on fossil fuels. Objectively, this would mean a contraction of economic activity for quite a while perhaps forever since green energy technology, though growing, is still too insufficient to supply the entire quantity of power consumed by our industrialized civilization as we presently choose to wastefully conduct it. Enviro Co op Simplification ECS designates an intentional simplification of every aspect of American life so as to eliminate any reliance on fossil fuels. This format of American life would be centered on environmentalism, rather than gargantuan consumerism, and of necessity be a tightly interwoven network of cooperative associations and groupings lots of socialism. It would be the Certified Organic model of American life and work, instead of our current Fast Junk Glitz o tainment isolation in parallel format. Each one of us will have preferences for or against residing in each of these four possible societies, and those preferences can be quantified on a purely subjective basis, as desirabilities D1, D2, D3 and D4, and assigned as follows.