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And three times too it is impossible. Yes, yes, and four times. Beginning authors who have written only one text, approved by the supervisor,for some reason forget about this rule of the scientific community and begin tosend their theses to all possible conferences. However, students are usuallyforgiven, but in the list of publications 3 articles with the same title andalmost the same volume are immediately shown to colleagues: you are dealingwith a loser who forgets that the number of scientific publications must besupported by their quality. Inaddition, in case the organizing committee finds out about duplicate articlesbefore publication, it has every right to withdraw the work. However,different reports can be made on the same topic but isnt it boring to writeabout the same thing two times in different words, strictly observing that thetexts do not coincide?At mostconferences, two reports from one author are not welcome, even if they are ondifferent topics. The reason is simple: it is difficult to prepare and read areport well. If a third year student immediately declares 2 or even 3 reports,the question immediately arises about their quality. Why make 2 bad reports ifyou can make 1 good?A separateproblem co authors. In philology, co authorship is not particularly common. In rare work there are 2 co authors, even less often there are works wherethere are more than two co authors.

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Both parents and their two small kids became friends of Ushika. A few days ago the kids painted for Ushika two drawings. Today they brought drawings for the other four runners. All the drawings have places on the course so the runners can look at them every lap. As always, Ushika ran until midnight and closed the day with 105,4 km. Good for second place. A not yet fully recovered Nirbhasa reached 102,2 km at midnight. He quickly took his cheese sandwich and was driven home. Milan was very cheerful when he stopped at midnight with 82,4 km in his pocket. In the morning he suffered from a headache. Luckily it went away during the day.
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Sarah Page gave a statement to police recanting her assault claim just hours before the shooting started. White people put the incident behind them. Black people, facing an uncertain path forward in Greenwood, lived in tents on the plots of their former houses. Though the attack initially prompted a wave of outraged articles from outlets like The New York Times one of the most disastrous race wars ever visited upon an American city, it quickly receded from the national memory, and then from the local one. That a place like that could be destroyed and its destruction be hidden, thats really remarkable, says Franklin, whose grandfather survived and wrote about the attack. It seems like the white community for the most extent wont talk about this history.